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I publish my LaTeX starter templates on Github.

To produce a table, I use booktabs and caption:

\hrule height 1pt\medskip
\caption{Ideas and sources}
\begin{tabular}{ l l l l l }\midrule
    Idea & Source \\\midrule
    Typesetting & CV Radhakrishnan \\
    Software Design & Rich Hickey \\

To produce a graph, I use pgfplots:

\hrule height 1pt\medskip
\caption{India GDP growth (annual \%)}
ylabel={GDP growth (in \%)},
% remove comma in xticklabels
xticklabel style={/pgf/number format/set thousands separator={}},
xtick distance=1,
nodes near coords
\addplot[color=black, x={Year}, y={GDP growth (in \%)}] table {
2015 8
2016 8.3
2017 6.8
2018 6.5
2019 3.9
2020 -5.8
2021 9.7
2022 7
2023 7.6
Source: World Bank

This page is a work in progress.