I'm a Research Fellow at Vidhi. Most of the time, I'm working on making Indian law and the legal system simpler, clearer, and more effective.
similarities between law and code • structural issues in the drafting process • finding abstractions and constructing ontologies • plain language drafting • examples of great drafting
the lower limit on dispute resolution time • ai judges • slowness as legitimacy • dworkin's dream
in defense of paying people to do things • incentives solve principal-agent problems • motivated agents exist but are unevenly distributed and hard to identify
the development of modern states • statecraft has a technology tree • parliamentary democracy • separation of powers • rule of law
literary earworms • finding identity • developing taste • rainbow kitten surprise • self-loathing
notes on the death of Elizabeth II • legal realism • rule of law in India • the English roots of constitutional traditions
book review • the causes of low government spending • weak state capacity